We believe access to spaces where people feel safe from harm and empowered to be themselves builds trust between neighbors and creates a Lancaster community that thrives together.

Domestic Violence Services
DVS is a catalyst to eliminate domestic violence in Lancaster County through direct service, advocacy, and social change. DVS offers 24/7 hotline and text line, emergency shelter, counseling, children’s programming, legal advocacy and representation, and transitional housing. All services are free of charge and strictly confidential. DVS hosts professional trainings and community education and prevention sessions for schools, businesses, and community and faith-based organizations.

Crispus Attucks Community Center
Since 1927, Crispus Attucks Community Center has been an anchor in Southeast Lancaster City. The Center has a proud history of providing educational and cultural programs to celebrate African American heritage, serving meals to individuals in need, and focusing on youth education and leadership development.
Additional Resources You May Qualify For:
Health & Nutrition
Household Stability
Safety & Empowerment
Two of my children have benefited from the Head Start Program, which gave them an incredible head start (pun intended) in their education.
Head Start Parent
We have been so happy to have found CAP child care for our daughter! Her teachers are so dedicated and caring and she is thriving in the program!
Child Care Parent
She transitioned to bridge housing and was finally able to financially afford to move into one of the bridge housing apartments.
Outreach Staff