Commute PA

Earn rewards for every green trip you take!
What is CommutePA?
- Free ridematching and rewards program
- find carpool partners and transit route information
- resources for bicycling and walking
- Record every green personal or work trip you take, such as telecommunity, carpooling, vanpooling, walking, bicycling, and taking transit
- Earn points to redeem for local and national rewards to restaurants, retailers, and entertainment venues
- enter monthly raffles
What’s in it for Commuters?
You could save a bunch of money. Try our commute calculator and see how much you spend now. You could cut it in half just by carpooling with another person. Try transit or a train. Join a vanpool. Walk, bike or telecommute. Ask your employer to participate with Commuter Services. Check out our ridesharing program and information about reimbursement for emergency rides home. Tell a friend about us.
Who is eligible for free help?
Employers and commuters in Adams, Berks, Carbon, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Monroe, Perry, Pike, Schuylkill, and York counties. The last census estimated that there were nearly 1.3 million commuters in this thirteen county area. Most now drive alone.
How do I get help?
Employers and commuters can call or email us. Commuters can enroll in the confidential ridematch program here.
Join Now!
- Download the “Commute PA” app or visit the website
- Enter an email and password to get started
- Create your profile
- Go to Account > Profile
- Enter Home Address and Organization
- Find Rides
- Enter home and work address
- Click on pinpoints to view carpool matches, select “Contact” to set up a carpool
- Record your green trips to earn rewards!
Emergency Ride Home Program
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania offers a FREE Emergency Ride Home program to commuters who record at least two green trips to work per week.
To be eligible for the Emergency Ride Home program:
- Create a Commute PA account
- Record at least two green trips to work per week
- Commuter finds and pays for their emergency ride from work
- Redeem an ERH reimbursement form found under rewards in Commute PA
- Fill out and submit the form to Commuter Services of Pennsylvania for your reimbursement.
Who runs this program?
Your regional chambers, transit agencies and county planning organizations developed Commuter Services and sit on our board (the Susquehanna Regional Transportation Partnership).
For more information, visit their website: or give them a call at: 1.866.579.RIDE