Request for Proposals (RFP) for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) – Community Action Partnership (CAP) of Lancaster County

Updated May 11, 2021
Project Description:
To infuse DEI culture and practices into our everyday operations and our overall organizational strategy for success.
Contact Information:
Jaime Arroyo, Chief Impact Officer,
DEI Strategic Plan
Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County (CAP) is seeking an experienced Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consultant to work with the CAP staff and the board of directors to develop a DEI initiative that will guide the direction and priorities for answering the urgent need to address race, power, and privilege in our prosperity efforts.
The successful applicant will use a variety of techniques to work with CAP over a period of four (4) to six (6) months to set the organization’s direction in answering these key questions.
Project Goals & Scope of Work:
The plan will engage in a process to give us our organizational definition of DEI along with KPIs, priorities and a case for change to find the “why” of the work. The consultant will conduct a cultural audit to gain data and a baseline on where CAP currently falls on the DEI spectrum including a full review of key agency functions such Human Resources, Marketing, Communications and Finance. The consultant will work with the staff to develop appropriate engagement and training deliverables to debias and foster belonging, with opportunities where employees can process, share and grow in understanding.
CAP aims to provide a/an:
- Agency wide audit to determine a baseline
- Engagement and training deliverables
- Full review of policies and practices with recommendations in key functions such as HR, Marketing, Communications and Finance.
- DEI Statement
Anticipated Selection Schedule:
The RFP timeline is as follows:
- RFP Release Date: 05/18/2021
- Deadline to Submit the RFP: 06/18/2021 by 5:00PM
- Evaluations of Proposals: 06/21/2021
- Top Consultants may be asked to provide a presentation
- Selection of Consultant: 07/09/2021
How to Submit your RFP:
Interested applicants should submit their completed proposal and a letter of interest in PDF format to:
Community Action Partnership
Attention: Jaime Arroyo
Chief Impact Officer
601 S. Queen St.
Lancaster, PA 17603
*Please reference CAP DEI Strategic Plan*
Consultant Qualifications
The consultant should have relevant experience in working with nonprofit, public and private sector organizations to develop DEI plans that respond effectively to internal, environmental, political and fiscal realities. Experience working with agencies that deliver impactful services in the areas of education, treatment, health care, family services, and housing services is preferred.
Request for Proposal Submission Requirements
Submissions should include the following:
- Proposal should be no more than five (5) pages in length
- Describes your team, including their qualifications
- Describes your experience and approach for providing DEI planning services to similar agencies
- Explain your proposed process, including methods, procedures and number of meetings for providing these services for CAP
- Include a work schedule that identifies meeting dates, time frames for major work elements, target dates for key milestones and dates for completion of a draft and final plan
- A proposed detailed budget for these services.
Please provide a budget that includes the following:
- Number of estimated hours for each activity with a breakdown by person assigned
- Billing rate per person assigned
- Estimated out-of-pocket expenses
- Method of billing
On a separate sheet (which will not count toward the five (5) page limit), please provide the names and contact information for up to four (4) references, preferably agencies for which you have recently provided similar services.
Evaluation Criteria:
Proposals must include the following information.
- Detailed Plan to Create a Comprehensive, Complete, Achievable and Sustainable Strategic Plan.
- Qualifications of Agency or Individual
- Qualifications of Personnel
- Related Experience in providing similar services
- Completeness of Response in accordance with the RFP instructions.
- Reasonable and competitive rate and must include a project payment schedule
Both hard copies and electronic copies of the Final Plan must be provided to CAP in PDF Format within two weeks of project completion. 10% of the contracted costs will be retained until all services under the contract have been completed and approved by CAP.
About Communication Action Partnership (CAP)
The Community Action Partnership is Lancaster County’s largest anti-poverty organization and boasts a service profile that interrupts inter-generational poverty with programs that assist families at every age and place in life.
Knowing that poverty is complex, and its contributing factors vary, CAP is committed to creating innovative, person-centered initiatives, including social enterprise businesses, to augment our many long-standing and successful anti-poverty programs that advance the social and economic mobility of families. CAP is person-centered, outcomes-based, data-driven, and focused on greater sector impact and systems change.
CAP is made up of 330+ employees across four Impact Teams and 20+ Board of Directors made up of clients, government officials, and community leaders.