Easter Egg Hunts around Lancaster County

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the flowers are beginning to bloom and the smell of pollen is in the air. Spring is officially here!
Grab the Easter baskets and gather the kiddos. It’s egg hunting season in Lancaster County!
Here is a list of some options around Lancaster that you and the kids could partake in.
HACC Lancaster Campus will host an Easter Egg Hunt for kids 2-15 in four age categories on campus, 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike. Fun happens from 4 to 7 p.m., but the egg hunt starts at 5 p.m. Admission is $2. Check out bit.ly/HACCeasteregghunt.
Terre Hill Flashlight Egg Hunt for ages 11 and up. A first-time fun event at 8 p.m. features dozens of prizes and refreshments. The $10 ticket price benefits Terre Hill Park’s new building fund. Held at Terre Hill Park, 210 Lancaster Ave., Terre Hill. For details, visit terrehilldays.com/community-events/easter-egg-hunt/.
Community Egg Hunt sponsored by Zion’s Reformed UCC, Salem Lutheran Church and the Lincoln Fire Company at 11 a.m. Children up to age 10 are welcome. Prizes awarded. On UCC grounds, 1356 Apple St., Ephrata.
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology at 11:00 a.m. on the Front Lawn. 750 E King St, Lancaster.
Ephrata Recreation Center will hold its Ephrata Rec Free Community Egg Hunt at noon. Occurs rain or shine. Ages 12 and under.
Ironville UMC Children’s Easter Egg Hunt for kids from 1-12. Begins at 10 a.m. on church grounds, 4020 Holly Drive, Columbia.
Landis Valley Christian Fellowship, 2420 Kissel Hill Road, will host its annual egg hunt at 3 p.m. on church grounds. It’s open to children up to age 10.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Easter and Tanzania Trail Community Egg Hunt including a Tanzania children’s talk, stories on the Easter trail, face painting and an egg hunt for everyone – children and adult alike. Begins at 10 a.m. on church grounds, 1258 Newport Road, Penryn.
Stehman Memorial UMC Community Easter Egg Hunt for children from 2 to 5th grade beginning at 10 a.m. Event includes a Bible story and a visit from the Easter Bunny, plus a petting zoo. The church is at 485 Indian Run Road, Millersville. stehmanchurch.com.
Terre Hill Park Easter Egg Hunt for children up to age 10. Four age categories. Live rabbits to visit with. Starts at 1 p.m. at the main pavilion at Terre Hill Park, Terre Hill. For details, visit terrehilldays.com/community-events/easter-egg-hunt/.
Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue will hold a canine After Easter Egg Hunt open to humans and dog-friendly dogs. Dogs must remain on a leash no longer than 6 feet. Gates open at 11 a.m. and the hunt starts at 11:30. Other fun follows. It all happens on rescue grounds, 60 Vera Cruz Road, Reinholds. For more information, visit dvgr.org.
For more information, find the full list on LNP/LancasterOnline.