Winter 2022 – From the DVS Director, Christine Gilfillan

Dear Friends of DVS:
I hope this finds you well and enjoying nature’s beauty in winter. I am grateful that each new year brings with it renewed intentions and the promise of a fresh start!
Speaking of a fresh start…DVS has some exciting things happening this year, and I welcome this opportunity to share our plans with you. After many successful Gala years, and much reflection, we’ve decided to go with a new approach to our fundraising, “friend-raising,” and awareness efforts for 2022.
We are planning a year-long slate of events and outreach under the theme: “Connect the Dots” – connecting the dots between DVS and our community partners and between domestic abuse and other forms of violence and oppression. We’ll provide multiple opportunities for you to join us in these efforts!
First, we will host two exciting yet informal social gatherings or “Mixers” for DVS supporters and potential supporters – one in the spring and one in the fall. The DVS Spring Mixer is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, 2022 from 5:30 – 7:30pm at the Landis Valley Village and Farm Museum.
To expand our reach, we will ask you to bring a potential new friend or supporter at no additional cost. At the Mixers, we’ll have the opportunity to get to know one another better – and learn about what is happening at DVS in a fun, indoor/outdoor venue with music, light food, and drinks.
Our second new engagement opportunity is DVS “Circles of Support” – informal circle conversations with companies, organizations, faith-based groups, retirement communities, services partners, and other audiences that are interested in DVS. We will discuss ways that your group can join us.
Third, our Community Awareness Committee will expand their outreach efforts throughout the year. We’ll educate and raise awareness by offering lunch-and-learns, workshops, and hopefully, more in-person awareness events. We’ll also continue to show up at community events around the county to spread the word about domestic abuse and DVS services.
Sponsorships will be available and are key to our success! We will seek Business, Organizational and Individual Sponsorships for our year-long series of events – as a package. Sponsors will receive even more recognition than in the past, as they will be featured at the various events throughout the year.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who worked on the DVS Spring Gala committee over the years. This was a spectacularly successful event that raised hundreds of thousands of much-needed dollars for DVS! We are grateful to everyone involved with the Gala for their vision, commitment, hard work and enthusiasm, and we hope that you will join us in our new efforts.
We will be reaching out in the coming weeks to provide additional information and help you make your plans to join us. Please do not hesitate to contact me via email at with any questions.
Wishing you safety and peace in your homes,
Christine Gilfillan
Director of Domestic Violence Services (DVS)
About Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster County (DVS) – DVS is a catalyst to eliminate domestic violence in Lancaster County through direct service, advocacy, and social change. DVS offers 24/7 hotline and text line, emergency shelter, counseling, children’s programming, legal advocacy and representation, and transitional housing. All services are free of charge and strictly confidential. DVS hosts professional trainings and community education and prevention sessions for schools, businesses and community and faith-based organizations. For more information, visit