In Crisis?

Utility Assistance

The Outreach Utility Assistance program provides emergency assistance and service planning to individuals and families who are facing financial hardships.

The program provides support with utility payments for UGI and PPL customers to help reduce utility debt and arrange for more manageable payment options going forward.

Weatherize Your Home and Save

Weatherization is making simple changes in your home to help reduce energy costs and increase comfort, especially as the weather gets colder.

We have partnered with the Community Action Agency of Delaware County (CAADC) to offer free energy education and home modifications to Lancaster County residents. Eligibility extends to those with an income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.

For more information or to apply for the Weatherization Program, residents can reach out via email at or call Keila Davis, Weatherization Intake Specialist, at (717) 468-1785.
Weatherization Program Intake Form

Save on Heating with LIHEAP

During the coldest winter months, income-eligible homeowners and renters can receive up to $2,000 in support for their heating costs through LIHEAP. There are three ways to apply:

  1. Pick up an application in the CAP lobby at 601 South Queen Street.
  2. Apply online at
  3. Call the statewide hotline at 1-866-857-7095.
How LIHEAP Can Help You Save

Apply for Utility Assistance for PPL Electric or UGI Utilities

PPL Electric – On Track

If you need help with your electric bill, you may qualify for some relief through our OnTrack program. OnTrack makes managing your bill easier with lower fixed monthly payments and debt forgiveness. Check out our income guidelines, and, if you qualify, sign in and apply online in minutes.

Questions? Email

Apply for OnTrack

UGI Utilities Customer Assistance Program (CAP)

A personalized monthly payment based on income and average usage bill; past due debt forgiveness with on time monthly payments and the difference between the CAP payment and the actual usage bill may also be forgiven.

Questions? Email

Apply for CAP

Utility assistance requires an active utility account and you must meet the income guidelines listed below.

Family SizeMaximum Yearly Family INcome
each add’l$8,070

Lancaster City

Address: 601 South Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17603

Phone: 717-299-7301
Fax: 717-286-0379

Walk-In Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Other hours by appointment.


Address: 400 Chestnut Street
Columbia, PA 17512

Phone: 717-684-8047

By appointment only
Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Address: 560 South Reading Road
Ephrata, PA 17522

Phone: 717-733-6562

By appointment only
Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.