Watch ME Grow – Early Intervention

Every child grows and learns new skills at his or her own pace. Children can vary in skills and development. You know your child better than anyone else. If you have a concerns about your child’s development, early intervention can help.
What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention (EI) in Pennsylvania consists of services and supports designed to help families with children who have developmental delays or disabilities. EI services can include; information about how children develop, parent or caregiver education, family supports, and developmental and instructional therapies that assist in child development. Early intervention builds upon the natural learning that occurs in the first few years. It is a process that promotes collaboration among parents, service providers and others who are involved with the child.
What is eligible?
Infants, toddlers, and preschool children who have special needs due to a developmental delay or disability are eligible to receive early intervention services.
Where do children and families receive supports and services?
Services may be provided during the child’s daily activities at home or in the community, at child care centers, preschools, play groups and Head Start programs.
The following skills give a picture of what a child may be able to do at a given age. Look at the skills with your child’s age and if you have concerns about development contact early intervention. This is only a brief list of developmental stages not a complete list of milestones.
Local Early Intervention Program
Birth-3 years Early Intervention Program
Lancaster County – (717) 399-7323
Lebanon County – (717) 274-3415
3-5 years Lancaster and Lebanon Co.
(717) 606-1601 or 1-888-745-0771
Early Intervention in Pennsylvania Statewide CONNECT Line: linking families to early intervention services and support. 1-800-692-7288 |