We cannot do this work alone. We provide community outreach, education, and training opportunities throughout the Lancaster community to spread the word about our work and encourage community support for survivors of domestic violence.

Community Outreach, Education, and Training

Education and Prevention Programming
DVS collaborates with schools, after-school programs, faith-based and community organizations, and youth-serving agencies to offer education about healthy relationships and dating violence. Programming includes sessions for children, teens, college students, and adults.

Community Outreach
DVS team members work to build awareness and are present in the community to advocate for social change and educate the public about the impact of domestic violence by hosting information tables or providing speakers for community events.

Professional Training
Domestic violence survivors seek help through first responders and other community services. DVS offers professional trainings of any length to our community partners (law enforcement, social services providers, community organizations, health care and behavioral health professionals, and others) to assist them in identifying, responding, and making referrals for domestic violence survivors.

DVS welcomes kind, caring volunteers with open arms and has many areas where you can support our work. From hotline and direct services, which requires a 45-hour Domestic Violence Advocate training, to community and tabling events, there’s something for everyone!
The following forms are required components of the DVS volunteer application process: