Front STEPS Program

Lancaster City Alliance and the Community Action Partnership (CAP) have secured funding to enhance City neighborhoods and place residents in good jobs. The program is called Front S.T.E.P.S, which is short for Support Training Employment Planning and Sustainability and will identify and fix City properties in need of improvement while providing thriving wage jobs for residents.
Lancaster City Alliance and CAP worked together to secure $200,000 in funding from the Lancaster County Community Foundation’s BB&T Economic Growth Fund Grant and leveraged an additional $100,000 in grant money from the High Foundation and $70,000 in funds from SoWe.
The money will be used to train and employ individuals from CAP’s CAPital Construction Program. The workers will focus on repairs to the front of properties. Lancaster City Alliance will use its expertise in community engagement, outreach, and neighborhood connections to identify and work with property owners on South Prince, South Queen, West King, and Manor Streets to identify properties in need of repair and work with owners to facilitate the program.
“Lancaster City Alliance is familiar with the neighborhoods and has a proven track record in community engagement throughout the city; we know what is working and where the gaps are. We
maintain good working relationships with City stakeholders and are experienced in bringing them together to achieve positive results,” said Marshall W. Snively, President of the Lancaster City Alliance.
The potential for the partnership to have a lasting, positive impact on neighborhoods is an opportunity to ensure everyone in Lancaster is a part of the City’s success.
“Workers in the CAPital Construction Program will be given the career support and training they need to succeed, said Dan Jurman, CEO of CAP. This partnership will put them to work repairing facades, building an in-demand skill set, and securing their opportunity to remain employed in a thriving wage career,” said Jurman.
Front STEPS Program
The experience will be customized to each individual to support and coach them in assessing their own needs (could be soft skills, life barriers, etc.), setting career goals, and increasing their connections and networks while also earning $10 an hour.
The on average 3 week, 30 hours a week experience will include:
- Meetings with navigation and a recruiter
- Job shadowing on construction sites
- Intentional goal building and accountability checks
- Connection to other support services and community resources
A good fit for this program would be:
- Desire to work in construction
- Willingness to develop a goal plan to support economic stability
- Availability to participate in the program
Join the Front STEPS program!
- $10 per hour
- 3 week experience
- 1:1 Career Coaching
- Opportunity for job placement with a construction company or on the job training program
For more information, email at You can also call at: 717.333.1918 and ask for Jostalynn Parry-Redd.
If you are a property owner on South Prince, South Queen, West King, or Manor Streets and are interested in a grant to improve the front of your property, please contact the Lancaster City Alliance at 717.394.0783.
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