Meet Angela Keen, DVS Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator

Lancaster, PA – The Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County and Domestic Violence Services (DVS) of Lancaster County welcomed Angela Keen as Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator.
2018 has been a year of several key staff changes at Domestic Violence Services, including Cathy Sofilka’s retirement as DVS’ Volunteer Coordinator in May. Cathy built a robust Volunteer Program to support critical DVS services, and was beloved by volunteers, staff members, and the community.
Fortunately, Angela Keen answered the ad and answered the call and began working at DVS on November 26!
Angela is celebrating twenty years in the victims’ services field this year. She started as a volunteer hotline and medical advocate at the Lancaster YWCA Sexual Assault Prevention and Counseling Center. Throughout the last 20 years, Angela has worked at the local and statewide levels in direct service, supervisory and training roles.
Most recently, Angela served as Restorative Justice Program Coordinator at Advoz, recruiting, training and supervising volunteers, as well as facilitating Restorative Victim Offender Conferences.
Angela is a Certified Trainer for the Keystone Crisis Intervention Team. The PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) has Angela provide Lethality Assessment Protocol (LAP) trainings to law enforcement and advocates across the Commonwealth. She is an Adjunct Professor at HACC’s Lancaster and York campuses influencing our next generation of human services students. Angela also continues to strengthen her roots in Lancaster County as part of the Leadership Lancaster 2019 Core Class.
Goals for Angela’s first year at DVS include strengthening the organization’s professional training program, recruiting volunteers for additional roles in direct services and children’s programming, and raising the DVS profile with an increased community outreach and social media presence.
Please join the Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County and Domestic Violence Services in welcoming Angela!
The Community Action Partnership is Lancaster County’s largest anti-poverty organization and boasts a service profile that interrupts inter-generational poverty with programs that assist families at every age and place in life. Knowing that poverty is complex and its contributing factors vary, CAP is committed to creating innovative, person-centered initiatives, including social enterprise businesses, to augment our many long-standing and successful anti-poverty programs. For a list of programs and services, visit